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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:513  时间:2023-04-04
一、问候语 首先,在开始聊天之前,要有礼貌的问候对方。可以用“你好”或者“您好”来打开话匣子,表明你是热情而客气的。也可以根据不同时节使用相应的问候语:例如早上可以用 “早上好” 或者 “新的一天开始了呢” ;中午则是 “午安/下午见/午后愉快” 等等。 二、寒暄 然后就是进行寒暄了:适当地夸夸对方;或者看看有没有共同的兴趣、经历或者学习能力等内容来大略交流一个~ 向TA分享一个平常生活中得到的小快乐会得到TA很大回应~ 例如: 阳光正


首先,在开始聊天之前,要有礼貌的问候对方。可以用“你好”或者“您好”来打开话匣子,表明你是热情而客气的。也可以根据不同时节使用相应的问候语:例如早上可以用 “早上好” 或者 “新的一天开始了呢” ;中午则是 “午安/下午见/午后愉快” 等等。


然后就是进行寒暄了:适当地夸夸对方;或者看看有没有共同的兴趣、经历或者学习能力等内容来大略交流一个~ 向TA分享一个平常生活中得到的小快乐会得到TA很大回应~ 例如: 阳光正好, 天气不错, 近来怎样? 可以将过去几天里遇到有意思 / 机会 / 感动 的故事都告诉TA.


随后就是要将你想要跟对方进行聊天的目的表明出来。因为人们通常都带有一定防备心理(How is it going?) ;所以在此之前应当牢牢保留住TA对你可能存在興趣 (It's nice to meet you) 。考虑到平常人际关系不大可能会马上就进入正题,所以要注意避免直截了当 (I want to talk about….) 或者显得太压力 (Can we chat now?) 等情况出现.


然后就是要引出想要跟TA讲述 / 追问 / 听 TA 衬托出材料 / 心声……之前已经通过上文中发生竞互性作电子化信息之间皆已建立1定高度信誓集成度 间 ; 故考量 , 姑勿使电子化信誓集 , 虽然构性包装 , 1般皆使「 Hi there ! What have you been up to lately ?」 「 It's great that you're interested in … Do you mind telling me more about it ?」 「 I'm curious about the idea of … Can you tell me more ?」 等 .


当然 , 高效能人士也会阅读 TA 答复中傾泄出來之内容 , 精神食粮 ; 过去整理1遍 : 「 Oh really, why did that happen ?」「 That sounds like an interesting experience, can you share with me some details?」「That sounds cool! How did it work out for you?」……          


                本文举例 : A 向 B 抱歉B;A 在 B 间使己 1stly introduce myself by greeting him politely and then engaging in some small talks such as common interests or experiences. After building a certain level of trust between us, I will express my purpose clearly without being too direct or pressuring. Then I will lead into the topics which are related to what I am expecting from him and let him share his thoughts freely so that both of us could learn something new from each other. Lastly, when he replies back to me, I should be patient enough to listen carefully and respond appropriately according to his answers so as not only keep our conversation alive but also build a deeper connection between us two.

