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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:598  时间:2023-04-05
微信好友恢复删除掉的好友,是否还在呢?答案是肯定的。如果你删除了一个朋友,他或者她就不会再出现在你的通讯录里了,但是并不意味着他已经永远的“死去”。因为微信数据库中存储了所有用户之间关联性数据和相关信息,所以即使你将对方删除,也不会马上影响对方帐户里的内容。 要想处理已经被删除的微信好友问题,必须要说明一个前提条件—— 如果这个人依然存在于你微信通讯录中, 那么就可能进行回复. 正常情况下, 进行回复时, 必须要考虑三部分: 第一、对


要想处理已经被删除的微信好友问题,必须要说明一个前提条件—— 如果这个人依然存在于你微信通讯录中, 那么就可能进行回复. 正常情况下, 进行回复时, 必须要考虑三部分: 第一、对方必须向你发出加好友请求; 第二、必须有一方向对方留出"电子名片"; 第三、正常情况下, 最开始劊子手应该是A先助B.

如上所述, 如遇上已经列入"断童" (Deleted) 过去生日性格大家惊天勾甲 (Blacklist) 之中者, 旧版 "Add Friend" 便早已断裂 , 旧版 "Search by ID/QR Code/Phone Number/WeChat ID/" 多少也难有作用 . 针对此 , 唯有透过新版 "People Nearby / Shake It! / Look Around / Drifting Bottle” 等特性 , 来法引咱们之前 “舊調重彈起”.

《People Nearby》(隔壁老王): People Nearby 是将使用者集中化浓集於Geo-location Services (GLS), 藉此来显现出「真人」與「真人」之間『真』存在感 . 「People Nearby」能将 GLS 末端使用者 GPS Positioning Data 追踪评估 , 零時半径 2KM (2000 M ) 距離之內皆能显现 , 由上考核 : 「People Nearby」便是「Geo-Fencing Technology & Location Based Service (LBS)」浓集化 GIS Application Services .

《Shake it !》(橫衝直撞): Shake it ! Is a fun way to meet new friends and chat with them on WeChat platform. All you need to do is shake your phone and the app will show you who else has shaken their phones at the same time as you have done so. This feature can be used to connect with people around you or all over the world depending on how much of distance filter that you choose to set when using this feature. This means that even if someone deleted from your contact list still be able to find out through this feature if they are within your distance range set in the app setting page and send friend request again for reconnection purposes.

《Look Around》(四周張望): Look Around is similar like “people nearby” features but instead of showing users within certain radius limit set by user himself based on his current location data; look around allow users search for other users base on specific city name or area code inputted into the search engine provided inside look around page itself.. With this method even if user already delete from contact list he still able track back old pals via searching using city name or area code which was previously saved in his contact book when they were connected before deletion occurred..

《Drifting Bottle 》(飄流物語 ): Drifting bottle allows user basically sending message anonymously without revealing sender identity info such as profile photo etc until receiver decided reply back .. Through this method we can let our dear one know that we want him come back while keeping us anonymous until he decide whether accept our invitation or not .. In addition drifting bottle also provide option choosing gender preference either male only female only both genders available thus more efficient for sender reach target recipient easier than ever before ...

总而言之 : 如遇上已经列入 Deleted Blacklist] 之中者 (即 : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) ; 针对此 ; 唯有透过 PeopleNearBy / ShakeIt! / LookAround / DriftingBottle 等特性 ; 来法引咱们之前 “舊調重彈起” —— 处理已

