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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:532  时间:2023-04-07
微信好友上限是指一个用户最多能同时拥有的好友数量,通常情况下,微信会限制用户的好友数量在2000人以内。如果超过了这个上限,就不能继续添加新的好友,也就不能和更多的人交流了。因此要想突破微信好友上限,就必须采用一定方法来达到目的。其中一个方法是将原来已有的微信账号升级或开通VIP会员服务。升级后所使用的新版本会大大增加当前账号对应得存储容量(包括存储图片、语音、表情以及其他文件内容) 和连接数(包括总体连接数、广告位连接数) ;而开通V


其中一个方法是将原来已有的微信账号升级或开通VIP会员服务。升级后所使用的新版本会大大增加当前账号对应得存储容量(包括存储图片、语音、表情以及其他文件内容) 和连接数(包括总体连接数、广告位连接数) ;而开通VIP会员服务则能够根据当前使用者所圈出来的VIP圈子内部增加对应佩戴者所关注者/ 粉丝之间相互之间留言/ 评论 以及 想要真正意义上「永久」存储语音/ 图片 /表情 / GIF 等文件内容之胜士(storage space). 那么话说回来, 这样便能够避免已存在之「2,000 人」之上限.

考虑到不是所有人都愿意升级或开通VIP会员, 我们也应试考虑其它方法: 比如将历时收集 资料 (Data Collected Over Time), 首先将历时收集之"Friend List"作出思考 ;然后依此思考出“Group Chat”, “Multiple Chats” 作勒出; 末端将 “Group Chat", " Multiple Chats" 划分出 “Friends Group A", " Friends Group B ", …… , "Friends Group Z". 末端便是 「2,000 人」 精心划分;

《Divide and Conquer《.

《Divide and Conquer《 : 克难 - 「 Divide & Conquer 」 .

1. First: Divide the 2,000 people into groups of 10 or less each group according to their characteristics.

2. Second: Create a new WeChat account for each group with the same name but different numbers at the end so that it can be distinguished from other accounts in case they need to communicate with one another in future.

3. Third: Ask those who are already friends on your original WeChat account to add you as friend again on this newly created WeChat account so that you can keep track of them better by organizing them into respective groups according to their characteristics such as age group or profession etc.. This way when someone needs help from someone else in a certain field he will know where exactly is he looking for it thus saving time and energy too!

4. Fourthly: Make sure all these newly added contacts have access to your profile picture which should be relevant enough for others to recognize who you are since there would be multiple accounts with similar names hence it may become confusing if something like this isn't done properly!

By following these steps one can easily break through the limit set by Wechat without having any fear of losing old contacts or being unable to find desired ones due its large size!

