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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:1066  时间:2023-04-11
微信钱转到支付宝是可行的,但并不能免去手续费。这里有两种方法可以将微信钱转到支付宝:一种是直接使用微信零钱来支付;另一种是通过“云闪付”服务来实现。1、直接使用微信零钱来支付如果想要将微信上的零钱转到支付宝,只要在两个平台之间建立一个快速的连接就行了。具体步骤如下: (1) 首先打开微信APP,然后找到“我”-》 “我的零钱包” ; (2) 然后再选中左上方图标处理好金币形态 –> 点击 “ 受理 运行 ” ; (3) 把姓名和卡号都填




(1) 首先打开微信APP,然后找到“我”-》 “我的零钱包” ;

(2) 然后再选中左上方图标处理好金币形态 –> 点击 “ 受理 运行 ” ;

(3) 把姓名和卡号都填写好 –> 点击 “ 提交 ” ;

(4) 最后在文字说明里写上 " 想要将我的微信零散资金充值到我的注冊Alipay帐户" —— 这既是敲定预留意义;

(5 ) 利用Visa/Mastercard /Unionpay / Alipay Card (Credit Card or Debit Card ) , 充值即无手续费, 部分 Bank Transfer (Local Bank Payment via ATM or Internet Banking )会有手续费 ;


  如想要将微信上的余额快速而便当地流向Alipay, 可考察Alipay's Cloud Quick Pay. Cloud Quick Pay is a new service introduced by Alipay that allows users to transfer money from their WeChat wallet to the Alipay account quickly and easily. The process is as follows:

  (1) First open up the Alipay app on your phone, then select 'Cloud Quick Pay' from the menu at the bottom of the screen ;

   (2) Enter your WeChat account information including name and password;

   (3) Enter in how much you'd like to transfer over;

(4 ) After you've entered all of this information, just hit 'Submit' and wait for confirmation that it has been successful! It should take no more than a few seconds for the funds to be transferred over successfully. Once complete, you'll receive an email notification confirming that it was done correctly.

