微信公众官方网站集成了中国大陆以外的海外版本(如印度尼西亚、法国、意大利、日本、南非和沙特阿拉伯)。此外,该平台还集成一套独特考勤功能以及特色小工具权益——例如H5标准留声机/小语录/随心看/微历史/明信片生成器/寻书神器 等 ——从而使人们能够在上面实时地创作内容并将之分享出去。
此外,该平台也集成开发者工具板(developer board) : 常用API 检测工具 / 测试故障左 / 高性能代理 进行API 压力测试 / SDK 诊断&debugging 助手 等 ——都是帮助开发者快速部署APP 的重要武装。
此外, 微信公众官方也集成一套独立的"WeChat mini-program"——一套独立HTML5 标准代���, 胶浦: 1. HTML5 App 2. Web APP 3. Hybrid APP 4. Native App 5. WeChat Mini Program 6. WeChat Open Platform 7 . Wechat Enterprise Platform 8 . Wechat Connect 9 . Wechat Pay 10 . Mobile QQ 11 . Tencent Ads 12 . Tencent Cloud 13 . Network Security 14 etc., which makes it easier for developers to quickly build and deploy the app on mobile phones without the need of downloading any third party software or application development kits (SDK). All these features make it possible for users to enjoy a more convenient and faster Internet experience by using their smartphones or other devices connected with the Internet through Wi-Fi, 3G network or other wireless networks in various circumstances anytime anywhere they are available..