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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:561  时间:2023-04-22
微信删除好友怎么找回来?这个问题让不少用户头痛。其实,在没有特殊情况的前提下,是可以通过一些方法来找回已删除的微信好友的。首先要明白一点,当你删除了对方作为你微信好友时,他并没有真正“被删”——而是处于隐藏状态。如果你想重新将他加回你的微信上,就必须找出办法唤出他的隐藏形态。相应地,重新加上TA也并不会面临“已存在好友中”之类的问题——TA依然能够重新出现在你的通讯录中。1. 通过对方帐号 密符来添加: 对于有效使用QQ、EMAIL帐号



1. 通过对方帐号 密符来添加: 对于有效使用QQ、EMAIL帐号和密语法作为它们微信帐户核心部分的人士而言, 这是一条补救之道. 不含@字样 的 QQ 帐号 注冊时留下 的4-6 位 数字 密语, 或者 EMAIL 账户 6 位数字 密语 —— 这 2 种都能够作 为 “开启航道” .

2. 通过扫雪球/ID/Finder ID来添助: 雪球、ID、Finder ID —— 3者皆能由对方原先自行安装之后即生成, 有独立性; 进而直接将3者包裹代表 TA 的意义 , 大家都会马上 “省略正式步伐, 直飞天层”!

3. 通过小心机————「向Ta打声招呼」: 「Greeting to you by Name」 (『通過Name』~「大声告辭」) , 「Hi there ! I am XXX (『ㄧ般』~「大家悉听.」) ; 放三天之久 , 未必决然沒人回应; 便勿气急(Pace yourself), 把相关Tag〈#Hashtags〉 & Keywords(關閵語 ) , Tag&Keywords in the Post Content (『傳送』~「緣故物語】); 划出5-7天正式流動.( Time Frame).

4. 通過URL Linked In (Linkedin URL): Linkedin URL --- 會是一個神奇武器 : 1)URL linkedin profile page (『linkedInURL』~「傳說中魔王】), 2)Find and add friends with LinkedIn search bar using keywords like job title or location of the person you want to find on WeChat etc..

5. 高明——巧立Name Card : Name card ~ 「神魔卡片」 ; 有时真能 “一張千金" ; 天然包裹姓氏、昵秱...etc., ...etc.. ; --- 「隱匿而神妙]

6. WEB Search Engines : WEB Search Engines – Google / Bing / Yahoo …… etc.; You can try searching for their Wechat account through any of those search engines and if they have a public account then it will be easier to find them via web search engine results page as well as social media accounts such as Facebook or Twitter which may link directly to their wechat account if they have one set up already .

7. Social Network Platforms : Social Network Platforms – Instagram / Facebook / Twitter ……etc.; If your deleted friend has some kind of presence on these platforms then chances are that you might get lucky and stumble upon his wechat profile while looking around these networks using relevant keywords related to his interest or profession etc……

        8        Ask Your Common Friends For Help : Last but not least , ask your common friends for help . Chances are that someone from your circle of contacts knows about this person's whereabouts and can guide you towards finding him back on wechat again .                                                                                                                                                      In conclusion, even though it is possible to recover a deleted wechat friend however the success rate depends largely on how much information is available regarding that particular contact online in terms of content he shares publicly across various digital platforms like websites , blogs etc……and also how many people know about him within our own personal circles who could potentially provide us with more leads towards recovering said contact via word of mouth….

