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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:656  时间:2023-04-30
微信公众平台是一个由腾讯推出的社交服务和即时通讯应用,它能够帮助企业、机构、团体以及个人在移动端快速创建属于自己的独特“公众号”(也就是微信公众号)。这样一来,那些使用者就能够通过手机或PC浏览器搜索到他们想要的内容。要使用微信公众平台,首先需要注册一个帐户。该步骤包括如何在官方网站上注册新帐户、如何密码重新找回、如何开启2FA(Google Authenticator) 进行安全性核对以及如何前去“孵化中心”注册新的微信小精灵/服务号


要使用微信公众平台,首先需要注册一个帐户。该步骤包括如何在官方网站上注册新帐户、如何密码重新找回、如何开启2FA(Google Authenticator) 进行安全性核对以及如何前去“孵化中心”注册新的微信小精灵/服务号/小应用。

然后便是进行相应的账户激活, 此时将看到一番有意义而形式正式的代理单子, 各大KOL都圆满宣告了"WeChat Official Account" 的诞生! 此时激活好之后, 需要去 ”My WeChat ID" 处进行ID昵称, 咩子logo. 三大核心效能之一 - "Menu Setting", 则是相当重要. 作者便能够将不同的menu item link to different page of the website; and add in a few extra features such as QR code scan , location search , reward program etc...

随后便是始上舞! 有了ID之后, 作者便能够开始push out content via wechat platform. 虽然没有Facebook Ads Manager or Google Adwords engine to help optimize ads performance yet; however there are still tons of other ways to increase followership on WeChat Official Account (OA). For example : 1-to-1 promotion with existing followers ; distributing OA QR Code at physical store / event / exhibition booth ; running campaigns & promotions such as lucky draw contest or user generated content (UGC) competition etc…

最后总而至: Analytics Report ! 阅读Analytics report is essential for any digital marketing campaign regardless of what platforms being used. It helps us understand how many people have seen our post and who are they; which type of post generate higher engagement rate ; How many people actually click through from posts into websites ? This kind of data allow us to adjust our strategy accordingly and maximize ROI from digital marketing efforts on WeChat Platform .

