针对不同行业、不同用户类型(性别、年龄等特征都会造成差异化定价数字)还会采用“出价法”来实施定价。出价法就是说广告投放者通过发布一条原生性文章作为测试媒体内容时依然每1000人浏览花费0.5-8元之间的金额。 如此看来,微信朋友圈中使用CPC准备方式的流量也能够随之考量到相应的影响因子, CPM(cost per mille)就是Cost Per Thousand Impressions (per thousand impressions) 的意思, 是每1000人浏览花费X元数字, 耗时1天--7天; CPC (cost per click), cost per click 简称CPC , 是Cost Per Click 相当于"Click to Ad"(CTA) , 是Advertising costs that are charged based on the number of clicks made by viewers or visitors on an advertisement in a website or mobile app . CPC 在1天--14 天之间;
CPI(cost per install), CPI is Cost Per Install which means Advertising costs that are charged based on the number of people who install an application after clicking on an advertisement in a website or mobile app . CPI 在1天--30 天之间; CPA (cost per action), CPA stands for Cost Per Action and it refers to Advertising costs that are charged depending upon the success rate of a particular campaign where each successful action taken is counted as one conversion . CPA 在3天--60 天之间; CPS(Cost Per Sale ), CPS stands for Cost Per Sale and it refers to Advertising costs that are charged depending upon the success rate of sales achieved from a particular campaign . CPS 通常在 7 -- 90 天左右.