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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:524  时间:2023-05-29



2.选用好平台:选用好平台是开始营销之前就必须考虑到的问题。相信大家都知道,如今天猫、淘宝是最流行也是最成功的电子商务平台之一。因此企业需要将旗舰店/旗舰店/生意人式卖家版/供应商版作为自己集中进行营销整合包装,从而真正使得上这几大平台形成一个总体上“裹裹” 的效果

3. 建立声誉: 对于小企业来说,物流、包装、服务水平都是千真万确! 没有好声誉, 这三者都难以斩断! 要想在电子商务上独占天时, 首先就要对周围人士树立信心; 对供应商物流厂和代理厂树立信心; 对员工树立信心; 本人也要不断学习新知识, 不断刷新已有能力 , 使其提升壮大!

4. 抓住焦点: 虽然淘宝零风险 , 但也不能总想" 大风刮来 " 的时催 ! 需要重复几遍 : 抓住焦点 ; 抓住焦点 ; 抓住焦 . !!!! 精准布(内) 精准找 ( 外 ) , 这样才能" 游龙 " ! 5. SEO优化: SEO优化(Search Engine Optimization) (SEO) (Search Engine Optimization) - 针对Google / Yahoo / Bing / Baidu / 360soso ... etc... <br> 6. 寻找性价比明显 : SEO SEM = MES (Marketing Effectiveness Score). <br> 7. 社交-PR: Social Media Marketing ? PR ? Advertising ? Event Marketing? Public Relations? Press Release? 8.. Branding & Promotion : Branding and Promotions are the cornerstones of any successful business strategy in today's times 9.. Content Management System : CMS stands for Content Management System which is a great way to manage your website content 10.. Mobile marketing : Mobile marketing is becoming increasingly important as people use their mobile devices more and more for searching online 11.. Email marketing : Email marketing has been around since the beginning of digital communication but it is still one of the most powerful tools available 12.. Influencer marketing : Influencer Marketing involves identifying key individuals who have influence over potential buyers and then targeting them through appropriate promotions 13.. Affiliate programs and discounts : Discounts can be an effective way to drive traffic to your store while also rewarding loyal customers 14 . Video advertising: Video advertisements can help you reach a larger audience than other forms of media 15 .. Online competitions or sweepstakes 16 .. Retargeting ads 17 .. Offline events 18 .. Coupon codes 19 .. Loyalty programs 20 .. Referral programs 21 . Product reviews 22 . Blogging 23 . Forum participation

