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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:557  时间:2023-05-29
一、活动目的:通过朋友圈营销活动,增强用户粘性,提升产品知名度。 二、具体方法: 1. 制定针对性的营销内容。根据不同的用户特征分别制定针对性的营销内容,从而使营销数据能够准确地传递给所要告诉的对象。例如:年龄不同、季节不同、行业不同等都是重要因素影响朋友圈营销效果。 2. 精准发布文章内容。选好文章之前要先明确文章主旨以及传递想法中心意义,然后核心信息力图令人一看就理解,此外还应译者文竖相关图片来强化信息表述;三是将原始内容作个思想上



1. 制定针对性的营销内容。根据不同的用户特征分别制定针对性的营销内容,从而使营销数据能够准确地传递给所要告诉的对象。例如:年龄不同、季节不同、行业不同等都是重要因素影响朋友圈营销效果。

2. 精准发布文章内容。选好文章之前要先明确文章主旨以及传递想法中心意义,然后核心信息力图令人一看就理解,此外还应译者文竖相关图片来强化信息表述;三是将原始内容作个思想上的“升华”,使之有浓重氛围,也能够体现出广告者独门风格;最后就是将扩大文章影响力,便于众多用户看到并留存!

3. 加强个人形象建立巩固: 首先话语舆情要正能量生动 , 要遵循市场原则 , 预留好电子版权 ; 其次 , 时间上应保证24小时在線闲忙都能随时更新 ; 最后 , 要勤奋学习 , 精雕琢剑 ; 法律法规、行业高位信誉都是扩大影响力量 !

4. 多方式留住老用户: 以优惠券方式留住老用户; 高效巧妙运用SEO/SEM/SEA/SMM(Search Engine Optimization/Search Engine Marketing /Social Media Marketing) 等优化工具; 多方式(QQ\WeChat\Microblogging ) 寻找愿意代理产品的人士 \ 游戲\APP 等 ; 悬浮广告 Banner Pop-up Ads Video Ads \ Affiliate Program Blogger Outreach \ Social Networking Mobile Advertising (Facebook & Instagram) . 5. 追随KOLs : KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders ) : VIPs (Very Important Persons ) 、Influencers (People Who Have Influence On Others' Decisions And Behaviors ) 、Celebrities (Famous People In A Certain Field Or Industry ). 6. 增加VIP&Affiliates : VIP Program and Affiliates Program can help build a better relationship with customers and also increase sales volume . 7. 本地化Marketing : Localize marketing activities in different countries or regions to promote brand awareness through localized content and language . 8. App Store Optimization : Through ASO (App Store Optimization), the app can be more easily found by users when they search for specific keywords in the app store . 9. Cross Promotion : By cooperating with other companies or apps that have similar products or services as yours, you can do cross promotion campaigns together to reach out to new potential customers while saving costs of advertisement at the same time . 10. Offline Event Promotion : Organizing offline events such as launching ceremony or product demonstration is an effective way to engage your target audience directly and give them a chance to experience your product first hand before making purchase decision .

