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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:570  时间:2023-05-29
一、朋友圈营销方案 1、基本定位:以“新奇特质”为核心,突出产品的独特性,吸引用户关注。 2、目标人群定位:年龄在18-45之间的中高端女性消费者。 3、内容创意:以时效性较强的图文信息与轻松愉快的语气进行传播。重点强化对于产品新奇特质的加工处理,通过生动形象耐人寻味的语句将其表现出来。此外要注意不同季度/不同地区/不同电子商务平台之间传播信息是有所差别的。 4、海量内容传播方式: 除常规海量内容传递(如半小时/一小时曝光)外, 早上7





4、海量内容传播方式: 除常规海量内容传递(如半小时/一小时曝光)外, 早上7∶00 - 9∶00 员工上班前, 晚间19∶30 - 21∶30 员工下班后作为微信朋友圈海量内容传递高效时段; 精准广告都是以一天三到五条微信广告作为目标. 5、形式扩大: 搞好微博 微信 APP H5 这四大形态, 在原始版本上进行形式扩大; 有效利用新闻舆情 话题布道 多闪存 H5 邀请卡 竞品对比 微店集中供应 6.明星代言: 选用具备影响力 / 权威 / 粉丝真实性 / 吸引力 / 搜索能力 的明星代豪 , 这也是一大难关 ; 7.KOL代理 : KOL (Key Opinion Leaders) 有效转化, 首要是真正能够将产品介绍准确 , 使电子商务留存 . 8.SEO&SEM : SEO (Search Engine Optimization) & SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SEO & SEM 覆盖 Google & Baidu & Sogou 3 大站 , SEO 首覂 Google Keywords Ranking, Baidu Indexing & Sogou Search Results; SEM 从 PPC Advertising Campaigns to Display Ads Network Coverage . 9.Viral Marketing : Viral marketing is a powerful tool for getting people's attention and driving website traffic and sales by utilizing social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. 10、PR&Event Promotion: PR activities can be used to generate positive publicity about the company or its products through press releases and other forms of public relations activities such as product launch events or promotional campaigns that involve influencers or celebrities in order to create buzz around the brand or product. 11、Social Media Engagement: Social media engagement involves creating content that resonates with users on various social platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and Wechat while also engaging with them through comments and likes in order to drive organic growth for the company's online presence. 12、Affiliate Marketing : Affiliate marketing involves incentivizing affiliates who help promote your products or services by providing them with a commission when their referrals lead to sales on your website or platform. 13、Content Marketing : Content marketing is an effective way of generating leads for your business by creating valuable educational content related to your industry which customers can find useful and shareable across different digital platforms such as blogs posts, videos etcetera

