使用朋友圈营销系统时,企业首先要进行明显化相关信息。如何明显化就是要使用者眼前一亮。一方面要考虑到文字部分上即采用生动语藉来进行思想意图传递; 另一方面要考虑图片部分上,即采用般大气、好看之体裁去彰显正能量, 令人耳目一新. 在此之后, 还要对信息作出核心思想上的归零, 使之就如“三字 经”般: 精神焕然. 此外, 有时根据不各子店所 in 需 , 还得根 据不各子店所in 需 , 地理位 置 , 人口物 浪 , 季 节 etc . 来作出独特化版 “三字 经” ; 从而呈 现就如 “天壤 之 别”般: 神奇!
随后便是将内容和产品散布到微信朋友圈中去。有时也会根���不各子店所in 需/location/population wave /seasonal to make a unique version of the 3 character classic so as to present something like a sharp contrast between heaven and earth--magical ! After that comes the dissemination of content and products into wechat circles. Here one must consider how many people should be targeted at once (e.g., by age group or gender) and what kind of impact they can have on those who receive them (e.g., whether they are attracted or feel disgusted). In addition, it is also necessary to track user behaviors such as clicks rate and conversion rate in order to analyze which type of message works best for a particular target audience so that future marketing campaigns can be adjusted accordingly for better results.