1. 首先请明确你想表达什么样的信息,然后用语言进行表达。无论是直白式还是巧妙式,都要使用通俗易懂、对客户有利、能够吸引客户眼球并打动他们内心的话语来形容你要表达的信息。
2. 将文字中包含特别性卖点,便于人们理解优势所在。泛泛而谈虽然能够得到大量浏 览者,但无法留下印象;而将特别性卖点作为核心部分,将带来关注度上升, 把围 绕此卖点的文字形容得形神兼备, 即能“看"得出物/服务之好, 也能“感 "受" 其愉快氛围, 这样才能使人对之留有难忘之感!
3. 多画龙点睛、勾勒出惊天地、泣鬼神效应, 把实情影射出去! 有时 阅者不一定非要看一大堆字就能明了原姵, 有时把情况画龙 点 睛 , 精巧勾勒 , 沐浴光明 , 呵呵一声就 “傻傻” 理 解 ! 4. 追随市场风向而作文章; 针对不同季度带来不同气氛(例如: 春天代表生命重生) :去剪裁选集般通高效胜任!
5. 吸引人士目光 ——《GIF》 《PNG》 《JPG》—— GIF: 即 Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) :使用256 color palette and can support simple animations . PNG : Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format is a lossless compression image format supports 24 bit RGB color palettes and semi-transparency . JPG : Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG or JPG ) use a 24-bit color palette with millions of colors to create photographic like images on the web . 6. 保证闪光 —— #HashTag# @AtName@ —— HashTag : hashtag is used in social media as a way to help categorize content so that it's easier for people to find related posts about certain topics of interest ; AtName : Atsigns are often used in Twitter messages as a way of mentioning another user's name in order to get their attention or start an interaction with them . 7. 天上飞—— Emoji Short Video—— Emoji : emoji are small digital images or icons used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication ; Short Video : short video is one of the most popular forms of media today due to its ability quickly convey information without taking up too much time from viewers' day . 8. 高端大气—— Long Copywriting Visual Content—— Long Copywriting : long copywriting is when you write longer pieces that dive deep into the topic at hand and allow readers more time to explore your ideas ; Visual Content : visual content includes any type of imagery used on websites such as photos , videos , infographics etc., which helps draw people into your message and engages them more effectively than text alone can do .