其次,要尽量避免“雪上加霜”, 除去无意义的文章之外, 要注意不能因为分享内容过多造成惊奇效应. 尝试使用独特而生动形象化的方式表达理念; 法国诗人Victor Hugo 曾说: “一副图片相当于1000字文章”. 尝试将新闻、街舞、真人选手PK此类寓意性内容运用到朋友圈营销中; 精心勾勒出佳作, 这样就能吸引住眼球!
再者, 本文中也不隆重掩盖如何将CRM(Customer Relationship Management) 和 ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) 等 IT 系统串接. CRM 系统是一套理想化的 customer relationship management (CRM ) system , which can help to track customer interactions and analyze their needs in order to better serve them . ERP systems are a set of integrated applications that manage core business processes , including manufacturing , inventory control , financials and human resources . By integrating these systems into the marketing efforts on WeChat friends circle , businesses will be able to gain valuable insights about customers and use those insights to target more effectively .
最后, 高水平的服务水平是市场竞争中十分重要