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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:691  时间:2023-06-07
一、“大家聊天,互动乐趣多”朋友圈广告案例精选近几年来,随着微信的快速发展,朋友圈已成为众多用户日常沟通交流的重要渠道。各行各业都开始利用朋友圈走入人们的生活中,创新性的运用朋友圈作为一种广告形式正不断扩大其影响力。今天就来看看几个非常出色的朋友圈广告案例。 1. “一起去旅行”——国内航空 国内航空使用微信小应用《一起去旅行〉,将客户愿望直邀好友共度佳节.该小应用能够根据客户想要去的目的地、时间、预算和飞行方式来分享套餐信息, 并智能



1. “一起去旅行”——国内航空

国内航空使用微信小应用《一起去旅行〉,将客户愿望直邀好友共度佳节.该小应用能够根据客户想要去的目的地、时间、预算和飞行方式来分享套餐信息, 并智能化显示航班价格, 自动生成对应图片卡片供客户分享, 并排版整理好文字; 最后再将详情单中所包含航班信息优惠代金券都集中显 示 , 方便客户快速浏览详情; 除此之外 , 该小应用还能帮助微信上相关民众快速注册国内航 空APP ; 打开 APP 就是回归真实留存金!

2. “三星S8 4K UHD体验之旅”——三星

三星作为承前启后者 , 是如何将4K UHD 技术傳遞出去 ? 三星使 用VR/AR(Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality) 科学 本田Odyssey MPV (Multi-Purpose Vehicle) 360°4K UHD 超 高竣像 , 将4K Ultra High Definition Technology (UHD Techonology )以360° VR/AR Experience Tour方式傳遞。考察者不但能夠愉快愉快愛上 4k UHD TV : 多郵車上乘乘員則是 S8 VIPs ! 3D Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality Experience Tour (VR/AR ET) 除了 360° 4K U HD Super High Resolution Image & Video Sharing Platform 外 : 還包 時間軸動畫裝飾 : Real Time Brand Storytelling from Multiple Perspectives!

3. “#GoMango #EatFruitfulLife" —— Mango Life

Mango Life Company #GoMango #EatFruitfulLife Campaign : "Let's Go on a Fruit Adventure Together" . Mango Life Company is committed to providing healthy and nutritious ingredients for the general public . This campaign was designed to encourage people to enjoy life with more fruit in their diet . Through this campaign , they used WeChat Moments Ads as well as Mini Program Ads to promote their product and services while also giving fans an opportunity to join the adventurous mango journey by participating in quizzes and activities related to fruits . By doing so , they were able to raise awareness of their brand while engaging potential customers through innovative ways of advertising on WeChat platform.

