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作者:pc668   来源:  热度:655  时间:2023-06-07
一、案例赏析  本文以2018年由宝马中国发布的“宝马X3爆棚!不止是SUV,还是一场全新旅行”微信朋友圈广告为例,对该条微信朋友圈广告进行分析。  1. 广告内容分析 该条微信朋友圈能吸引眼球的重要原因就是其独特的形式和内容结合设计。通过将多个大小不同的图片组成整体,使人们感到惊喜而产生好奇心;然后通过图片上方凸显的标题“X3 爆棚!不止是SUV, 还是一场全新旅行”加以强调。所以当看到该条微信朋友圈时能够站站神奇感WOW! ;



  1. 广告内容分析 该条微信朋友圈能吸引眼球的重要原因就是其独特的形式和内容结合设计。通过将多个大小不同的图片组成整体,使人们感到惊喜而产生好奇心;然后通过图片上方凸显的标题“X3 爆棚!不止是SUV, 还是一场全新旅行”加以强调。所以当看到该条微信朋友圈时能够站站神奇感WOW! ; 此外详细副标题也十分凸显产品优势 “气流化车身 高性能动力 卓尔不凡低底盘 无畏之作 X3 ”. 有效将产品优势、性能、风格都表现出来, 突显了X3 系列 SUV 的特性; 对已有耳闻或者使用者都会驱使想要去体验一番; 具体再通过底部隐士的CALL TO ACTION(CTA) 中 “竭忠诚邀请 , 邂逅 X3 " , 告诉用户如何去体验 ; 此外 CTA 还重复使用 " X 3" , 作为 logo (logo mark ) ; 有效起到对 brand recognition (和brand recall ) . 此外, 该广告也注重将情感元素带入, 通过三张人物装扮皆为 outdoor style , 头戴 pilot cap and sunglasses , 精神焕发 : outdoor life is so wonderful !

2. 对目标人群宣传 该条微信朋友圈广告直接将target audience focus on the family of young people who love sports and travel . First of all , by emphasizing the power of performance and low-profile design in product features in this advertisement can arouse their curiosity to pursue unique and fashionable lifestyle ; secondly by adding an element of emotion that they are longing for freedom while traveling outdoors with friends or families will make them feel more connected with this product . In addition to young people who like sports and travel , it also caters to those who have higher requirements for car safety performance such as parents because it emphasizes its outstanding safety system in content which makes them pay attention consciously when choosing cars for their children.


  从上文中我们看出,宝马X3 2017版微信朋友圈广告字量不大却集团形式、内容、情感三者之大成。选用独特的形式 clear message strong call to action emotional elements = WOW effect ;考虑到相应target audience 's needs & feelings ——young people loving sport & travelling and parents caring about car's safety——to achieve maximum conversion rate from awareness into purchase intention eventually.

