1. 双空、三空联动。很多同学读长难句的能力本来就弱,一个句子再碰到两、三个空,直接崩溃。这就是为什么很多即使语文160以上的同学做“36套”还是觉得难,“36套”就是训练大家句内关系和联动的。
2. 选项。Easy级别的选项都是“两正一负”直接选“负”,毫无悬念;而Hard级别的题目往往是“两负一正”在两个“负”当中比较,甚至是“三正”里面选最合适的情况。
As a classic text on alchemy, George Ripley’s Compound of Alchemy (1471) has received substantial scholarly attention, primarily focused on the English print editions published by Ralph Rabbards (1591). However, the work known to sixteenth-and early seventeenth-century Europe was not the Compound known today from Rabbards’ editions. Rabbards strived to produce the fullest possible version of the text, including two prefatory poems, “Prologue” and “Preface”, and an associated dedicatory poem. Yet no authoritative “master text” dates from Ripley’s lifetime in which all of these elements are preserved. Rather, the Compound’s text was adapted over a century of circulation in the form of multiple copies, later reassembled by diligent scribes – a process that continued even after the work’s translation into Latin and European vernaculars.
Before feminist literary criticism emerged in the 1970s, the nineteenth-century United States writer Fanny Fern was regarded by most critics (when considered at all) as a prototype of weepy sentimentalism –a pious, insipid icon of conventional American culture. Feminist reclamations of Fern, by contrast, emphasize her nonsentimental qualities, particularly her sharply humorous social criticism. Most feminist scholars find it difficult to reconcile Fern’s sardonic social critiques with her effusive celebrations of many conventional values. Attempting to resolve this contradiction, Harris concludes that Fern employed flowery rhetoric strategically to disguise her subversive goals beneath apparent conventionality. However, Tompkins proposes an alternative view of sentimentality itself, suggesting that sentimental writing could serve radical, rather than only conservative, ends by swaying readers emotionally, moving them to embrace social change.
There have been numerous well-documented extinctions of indigenous species caused by the introduction of non-indigenous predators and pathogens. However, surprisingly few extinctions of indigenous species can be attributed to competition from introduced species. For example, during the past 400 years, 4,000 plant species have been introduced into North America, and these non-indigenous plants currently account for nearly 20 percent of North America’s plant species. Yet no evidence exists that any indigenous North American plant species became extinct as a result of competition from introduced plant species. The scarcity of documented extinctions caused by competition from new species could mean that such extinctions take longer to occur than scientists initially believed or, alternatively, that extinctions are rarely cau sed by competition from nonindigenous species.