2020马上就要过去了,这一不平凡的一年注定要被载入史册:超过1500万人在新冠中感染及死亡(而这一数字还在上涨) ……天灾、人祸,有的让人悲痛欲绝,有的叫人啼笑皆非,还有的振奋人心。
/ 武汉封城 /
Wuhan, China, Feb. 3 To contain the coronavirus outbreak, the Chinese government sealed off Wuhan and banned most public transportation and private cars from its streets. Getty Images
/东非蝗灾 /
Laisamis, Kenya, Feb. 8 Kenya battled its worst desert locust outbreak in 70 years, threatening the food security of millions. Khadija Farah for The New York Times
/《寄生虫》横扫奥斯卡 /
Kwak Sin Ae and Bong Joon Ho win the Oscar for Best Picture for "Parasite" at the Academy Awards in Hollywood on Feb. 9. (Mario Anzuoni / Reuters)
/梅脱大戏 /
Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, attend The Endeavour Fund Awards in London on March 5. (Samir Hussein / WireImage)
/ 意大利疫情爆发 /
Ponte San Pietro, Italy, March 24 Members of the Italian Army and military police loaded coffins onto trucks to be taken out of the city. Cemeteries and cremation services in the Bergamo region struggled to cope with a surge in coronavirus deaths. Fabio Bucciarelli for The New York Times
/ 苦中作乐/
Milan, March 13 Italians played music on their balconies as a show of solidarity in the face of the coronavirus, which spread rapidly through the country that month. Alessandro Grassani for The New York Times
/ 疯抢物资/
New York, March 13 Shoppers scrambled to load up with supplies at a Costco in Manhattan. As the coronavirus spread and lockdowns loomed, panic-buying of grocery staples, medicines and cleaning products skyrocketed. Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times
/ 司法厅前的沉默 /
Los Angeles, June 3 A moment of silence in front of the Hall of Justice. It was announced that Derek Chauvin, the officer who had pinned George Floyd to the ground, would face a charge of second-degree murder. Bryan Denton for The New York Times
6月3日,洛杉矶,司法厅前的沉默片刻。致弗洛伊德死亡的军官Derek Chauvin将面临二级谋杀罪的指控。
/ 特殊的演奏会 /
Musicians from the string quartet UceLi Quarte perform Puccini's "Crisantemi" for an audience of 2,292 plants in Barcelona, Spain, on June 22. The plants were later delivered to health care professionals. (Jordi Vidal / Getty Images)
6月22日,西班牙巴塞罗那,弦乐四重奏UceLi Quarte的乐手演奏普契尼的《菊花之挽歌》,观众是2292株植物,这些植物在音乐会结束后会被送往医疗专业人员手中。
/ 川普确诊新冠 /
President Donald Trump pulls off his mask after returning to the White House from being hospitalized with Covid-19 at Walter Reed Medical Center on Oct. 5. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
/ 拜登“选胜宣言”?!/
President-elect Joe Biden gestures to the crowd after delivering remarks in Wilmington, Del, on Nov. 7. (Angela Weiss / AFP - Getty Images)
/ 乌合麒麟的讽刺漫画/
/ 新冠疫苗来了/
Coventry, England, Dec. 8 Medical workers cheered for Margaret Keenan, 90, after she became the first person in Britain to receive the coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech. “I feel so privileged,” she said. Pool photo by Jacob King
12月8日,英格兰考文垂,90岁的Margaret Keenan接种了Pfizer和BioNTech开发的新冠疫苗,Margaret成为了英国第一个接种新冠疫苗的人,结束后,医疗工作者为其欢呼。Margaret表示“我很荣幸”。
Anchorage, Dec. 4 Lillian Foster and Teagan Glidden took a photograph with Santa at Bass Pro Shops, but there was no sitting on his lap. This year, Santa is staying behind a screen and wearing a visor. Ash Adams for The New York Times
12月4日,Lillian Foster和Teagan Glidden在Bass Pro Shops商店与圣诞老人合照,但没有坐在圣诞老人的大腿上。今年,圣诞老人都是待在一块屏幕后面,并戴着护目面罩。